Dear Brethren,
Previous to the departure of our esteemed Friend and Brother, the Rev. J.L. Poore, on his Mission to England for the purpose of obtaining Ministers for the Colonies, it was deemed desirable, by a number of Ministers and influential Gentlemen connected with our Churches, that a Society should be formed for the purpose of extending our principles throughout the Colony, and of assisting in the allocation of Ministers, and thus of promoting to the utmost extent the important objects of Mr. Poore's Mission. Accordingly, a Public Meeting was held on the 7th January, in the Independent Chapel, East Collingwood, to inaugurate such an Association, when the "Congregational Home Mission for Victoria", was established. We have great pleasure in forwarding to you a programme of its principles and objects. What we want to accomplish is, to have as many auxiliaries as possible affiliated to it, in order to ensure its utmost efficiency. If we can accomplish this, we shall then be able, without difficulty, to visit all Immigrants holding our principles immediately on their landing, and render them important advice; prepare for expected Ministers, and allocate them without delay in those districts where there services may be reqired, endeavour to aid them in overcoming incipient difficulties, as well as assist feeble Congregations to gather strength and to become self-supporting.
To accomplish these desirable and important objects, will you afford us your vigorous co-operation, and, at your earliest convenience, call together the friends of the Denomination in your locality, for the purpose of forming an auxiliary to the Society. We have prepared all the necessary apparatus in the form of Programme, Collecting, Secretary, and Treasurer's Books, and thus have endeavoured to facilitate the immediate commencement of this necessary and important work. Will you allow us to suggest the following course of action:-
1st. - A Public Meeting to establish the Auxiliary Association.
2nd. - The obtaining of a proper Staff of Collectors, for the purpose of securing Weekly and Monthly Subscribers.
3rd. - An active Secretary and Treasurer, and Local Committee for the management of its affairs.
4th. - A regular correspondence with the Committee of the Parent Society, and punctual transmission of monies to the Treasurer.
5th. - That each Congregation communicate to the Committee as to the number of Lay Agents they can recommend, and also the localities which may present themselves for the Society's operations.
6th. - An Annual or Half-Yearly Meeting or Soirée for the promotion of its object and the presentation of its Report.
Such, dear Brethren, is the great and important work in which we wish you to co-operate with us. We believe our appeal will not be made in vain. Waiting your favorable reply,
We remain,
Yours affectionately,