[In pencil: Mrs Geo. Duknells two children]
Proposals for publishing by Subscription a Volume of Discourses, by Ministers belonging to the Congregational Churches in Scotland,-The Sermons in this volume will be furnished by Messrs. Aikman, Gibb, A. Ewing, G. Ewing, Henry, Jack, Knowles, Lothian, McNeil, Munro, Robertson, Orme, Payne, Russell, and Wardlaw. The profits of the volume are to be devoted to the benevolent Fund for the relief of the widows and children of the ministers connected with the above body. It is proposed to print a fine edition in 8vo. at pound 1.1s. and a 12mo.edition at 7s.6d.
Sermons on the leading Characters and most important Events recoded in the Book of Genesis. By J. Rudge, D.D. in 2 vols. 8vo.
The Rev. Wm.Jay has in the press a new edition of his Short Discourses, to be read in Families, in 4 vols. 8vo.
An English Grammar, in verse, with Scripture Examples. By Rev. Thos. Searle.
Memoirs of the Life and Writings of the late Mrs. Catherine Cappe, in 1 vol. 8vo.
An Attempt to illustrate the Book of Ecclesiastes . By the Rev. Geo. Holden. 8vo.
Halidon Hill ; a Dramatic Sketch from Scottish History. By Sir Walter Scott, Bart. 8vo.
Plain Dialogues, designed to relieve from various difficulties connected with the doctrines of Election, the inability of Sinners to perform spiritual Acts, &c. and to correct some unscriptural views of those subjects. By John Shoveller. Price 1s.
The Poetical Monitor : consisting of Pieces, select and original, for the improvement of the Young in Virtue and Piety, 12mo. 9th edition. price 3s. boards.
Memoirs of the late Rev. Alex. Stewart, D.D. one of the Ministers of Canongate, Edinburgh. To which are subjoined, a few of his Sermons. 2d edition 8vo. 10s.6d.
Farewell Letters to a few Friends in Britain and America, on returning to Bengal in 1821. By William Ward. 3d edit. 12mo.6s.
A View of the History, Literature, and Mythology of the Hindoos, &c. By Wm. Ward, of Serampore. A new edition, in 3 vols. 8vo. pound1. 16s.
An Address from a Christian Pastor to his Church and Congregation upon Baptism ; containing a Statement of some essential Points in which the Systems both of Paedobaptists and Antipaedobaptists appear to differ from that of the New Testament. By James Bass. Price 2s.6d.
COMMUNICATIONS have been received this month from Rev. Messrs. J. Blackburne-J. Turner-G. Ewing-W. Scott-J. Ryley-T. Durant-M. Anderson- Z. Hathaway- J. Whitridge.
Also from A. Allan- S. Lawson-A.-G.-Amsuodes-P.H.
We feel ourselves much obliged by Mr.J.B.Williams's letter, and are happy that the business to which he refers is in such good hands. We cannot help expressing our gratitude at his approval of our labours;-laudari a laudote viro is a boon worth accepting.
Gaius may be assured that we never intentionally neglect our correspondents. We are sorry to say that his communication has not reached us.
Mr. Fisher has our best thanks for the autograph letters of Dr. Doddridge. They shall be inserted, and returned to any address that Mr, F. may point out.
A. in our next. We shall be happy to hear from him again.
We are much indebted to Lector for his offer ; but as the insertion of the tendered article would probably be at variance with our principle of strict neutrality on such points, we must reluctantly decline it. We thank our highly respected correspondent J. A. for his good wishes, and take this opportunity of suggesting, that an occasional article of his own for our original department would both gratify and serve us.
We have received, too late in the month for insertion or abstract, a circular from the Committee for the Relief of the distressed Irish. We are sorry for this contretemps, as we should have felt a melancholy gratification in urging the duty of PROMPT and EFFECTUAL AID. The letters from Ireland, inserted in this communication, contain details of agonizing distress which would melt a heart of stone, and loose the purse-strings of avarice itself. "If thousands, " says our correspondent, "are not sent to Mayo and Galway, WHOLE POPULATIONS MUST DIE."
(To the Editors) - Gentlemen, If your querist K. (Christ. Inst. for March, p. 136,) had consulted Griesbach, he would have perceived, in a note, the reason of Wiclif's saying, " For the tribune dredde." & c. "Timuite nim, ne forte raperent eum Judæi, et occiderent, et ipse postea calumniam sustineret, tanquam accepturus pecunuam. Vulg. ( non demidov. tol.) Syr. p cum ast. item Cassiod. Idem habet Arm. post diamowowoi, et pergit deinceps: [indecipherable] . though Wiclif was learned, the Vulgate would carry the authority almost of an original eveu with him. Your's T.D.