A 382: Reverend Lancelot Edward Threlkeld papers, 1822-1862 - Page 14

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1822.] Religious Intelligence :- Miscellaneous. 391
ongregational Union for Scotland.- The Annual Meeting of the Congregational Union for Scotland, was held in Glasgow on the 3d and 4th of April. The Meeting was well attended, and was a pleasing instance of the effects of union among Christians. The sermons were preached on Wednesday, at seven o'clock, in Dr. Wardlaw's, by Mr. Russel, Dundee, and in Mr. Ewing's, on Thursday, at eleven o'clock forenoon,- both these gentlemen have been requested to publish their discourses.
On Thursday evening, at half-past six, the meeting for business was held, when the report of last year was read, several neat and appropriate addresses delivered, and the multitude present departed under the impression, that it was the work of the Lord, and his blessing would assuredly follow it.
The most pleasing part of the report was what related to the Societies exertions, as a Home Missionary Society ; there are nine of their preachers, who hold forth the word of life in the Gaelic language, and these itinerate through the dark places of the Highlands and isles.
The report will be published, when we hope to be able to lay a more particular account of their operations before our readers.

Nottingham Sunday School Union.-On Easter Monday, was held the the 12th Annual Meeting of the above Union, in the Chapel, Halifax Place. From the report of the Union, it appears, that the number of children have increased since the last report more than 1000, and the teachers 165 ; and 87 young persons educated in the schools of the Union, have become members of various Christian churches during the last year. The total number of children now in the Union, is 11890, and of teachers 1,665. Very excellent addresses, (containing suitable and appropriate advice both to teachers and children,) were delivered by the Rev. Messrs. Alliott, Jarman, Draper, Shuttleworth, and Smith, of Nottingham ; and Jones, of Chesterfield ; and Shaw, of Ilkeerstone. A very suitable sermon was preached in the evening before the friends of the Union, at Salem Chapel, by the Rev. John Oussey.

Newport Pagnell Evangelical Institution.
The tenth anniversary of the Newport Pagnell Evangelical Institution for Educating Young Men for the Christian Ministry, was held at the Rev. T. P. Bull's meeting-house, on Tuesday, the 21st May, when the Rev. J. Hyatt, of London, preached in the morning from Ephesians iv. 8. ; and the Rev. J. Innes, of Camberwell, in the evening from Philippians ii. part of the 16th verse. 
In the afternoon a most satisfactory report was made of the proficiency of the students, and of the acceptance and usefulness of their occasional labours, to a numerous and respectable assembly who testified their conviction of the utility of this Institution, by their liberal contributions ; still, however, a considerable addition to the annual income of the Society is necessary to enable the Committee fully to avail themselves of the peculiar advantages which its situation presents. 
The friends of this Institution residing in London and its vicinity, will hold their annual meeting on Tuesday evening, 23d July, at the King's Head in the Poultry. The Chair will be taken at six o;clock.

Hoxton Association.- The Annual Sermon before the Ministers of the Hoxton Association, will be preached by the Rev. Joseph Turnbull, A. .B. Classical Tutor at Wymondley Academy, on Tuesday evening, July 2, at Hoxton Chapel : the subject - " Christian Fellowship." The Meeting of the Ministers for Conference and Discussion will be held on Wednesday morning, at ten o'clock, at the Rooms, No. 18, Aldermanbury.

Essex Annual Meetings.- The Annual Meeting of the Associated Ministers of Essex will be held (D. V. ) at the Rev.J. Savill's, Colchester, on Monday, July the 8th, at 4 o'clock in the afternoon, when the early attendance of the members is particularly requested on special business.-On Tuesday morning, the 9th,  the Annual Meeting of the Congregational Union will be held, when the Rev. T. Morell, Tutor of Wymondley Academy, will preach ; and that evening the Rev. A. Wills, of Coggeshall, will preach.-On Wednesday morning, the Annual Meeting of the Essex Auxiliary Missionary Society will be held, when the Rev. J. A. James, of Birmingham, will preach ; after which the general business of the Society will be transacted. 

April 12th, died suddenly, in the prime of life, the Rev. Isaac Anthony, the respectable pastor of the Independent Church , at Bedford, leaving a widow and nine children, with his bereaved church and congregation, to lament the loss they have sustained. This admirable man, with his usual health and spirits, preached 3 times the Sabbath previous to his death.
On Thursday evening, June 6th, 1822, died at Bath, after a short illness of only four days, the Rev. Samuel Newton, of Witham, Essex. He was supplying at Argyle Chapel during Mr. Jay's visit to the metropolis, and preached twice ; he had administered the Lord's Supper with more than his usual energy and feeling on the preceding Sabbath. On the Monday he felt himself indisposed, and medical aid was obtained, but no danger was apprehended till a few hours before his dissolution.

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