were employed in the acquisition of the Taheitean language" (Missionary Soc., Report 1820, p. 10).
{The 1821 Report (pp. 14-18) received the work at Raiatea, and concludes "When the Directors consider the short time that has elapsed since the mission was established (1818) and the progress which has been there made in the civil and social, if not also the religious and moral, improvement of the natives, they cannot withhold an expression of their high satisfaction."} {The 1822 Report (pp. 25-32) reviews the work at Raiatea.}
"Mr. Threlkeld, who had accompanied the Deputation (Tyeman & Bennet) to Sydney, was about to sail for England." (Missionary Register, May 1825).
"Mr. Threlkeld... was to be stationed about 40 miles north of Sydney, for the benefit of the Aborigines in that quarter" (Missionary Register, August 1825).
{Missionary Register, October, 1825, gives an account of the death of Mrs. Threlkeld, she died in 7.th March, 1824, and adds - "Mr. & Mrs. Threlkeld had been married 15 or 16 years. She was 34 or 35 years of age, and had five children, one of whom was buried at Rio de Janeiro.}
[Missionary Register, March 1826, records Threlkeld's appointment to the Aborigines. "Mr. Threlkeld, who had married since his arrival in the colony, & was about to return to Raiatea, readily acceded... A grant of land, 10.000 acres, was made by the Governor, & he would probably take up his residence in a few weeks at Reid's mistake." He was also to have important work among the settlers, as the only minister in the district.
X {Missionary Register, Feb. 1829. "The mission of Mr. Threlkeld among the Aborigines has been relinquished; the expense being greater than the society, in the present state of its finances, can defray."}
{" " , Feb. 1832 - "Mr. Threlkeld has translated the Gospel of St Luke into the language of the Aborigines near Lake Macquarie.}
Feb. 1834 "a grammar & vocabulary of the Aboriginal Language."