THE Friends of Protestant Dissent, and of Evangelical Truth in general, are respectfully informed, that the above place of Worship has been enlarged to a very considerable extent. and rendered in every respect much more commodious. For the accomplishment of this, the Friends at Hastings, the Dissenters, and other who have visited is, have combined, their exertions. Upwards of £200. has been paid, but a debt of £300. still remains, towards the liquidation of which the assistance of the Friends of Religion, who visit this part of the coast during the present year, is earnestly solicited.
A subscription Book is dept in the Chapel - or Contributions may be paid to Mr. WOOD, Draper, High Street, or Mr. HOGSFLESH, No. S, Pelbam Place, Parade.
AT a Highly Respectable and Superior Establishment in Hants, where the number of Pupils is limited to Thirty, there will be, after the Holidays, Three or Four Vacancies. The line of Studies comprehends a complete course of the Greek and Latin Classics, the most approved Modern Languages, the various branches of the Mathematics, with History and Natural and Moral Philosophy: the System is particularly calculated to qualify Youth for the Universities, the Professions, and the higher departments of Commercial Life.
Cards and Particulars may be had of Mr. Baker, Bookseller, No. 18, Finsbury Place, South.
THE REV. G. S. CRISP respectfully informs his Friends and the Public, that he has recently opened a SCHOOL, for a limited number of Pupils, on the following Terms:-
Board and Education for young Gentlemen under Ten years of age, including Reading, Writing, Arithmetic, English Grammar, Geography, &c. 20 Guineas per Ann.
Ditto for young Gentlemen above Ten and under Thirteen years of age - - - - - - - - 23 Ditto.
Ditto for young Gentlemen above Thirteen years of age - - 25 Ditto.
The Languages, &c. on Terms equally moderate.
No entrance charged. - A Quarter's Notice is required previous to removal.
Lowestoft is a very pleasant healthy Town, affords every advantage for Sea Bathing, and has direct communication by coaches with the principal places in the neighbourhood and with the Metropolis.---The present Vacation terminates on Monday the 22d of July.
AN APPRENTICE WANTED, by a Bookseller and Stationer, extensively engaged in the Foreign and English Trade. it is required that the Youth should have received a liberal Education.---Premium 250 Guineas.
Address (post paid) to W. X., at Mr. W. Lepard Smith's, James Street, Covent Garden.
This Day is Published, in Octavo, price 7s. 6d. boards,
Author of a TOUR TO ALET, &c. &c.
[Symbol: three dots in a downward facing triangle] The object of Mrs, S. is to encourage amongst her own sex a taste for Biblical reading, and for bestowing that portion of time, and that exercise and culture of the mind, on the infallible Word of God, which, in this age of increased intellectual female cultivation, is so often lavished upon vain accomplishments.---Vol. I. may also be had, price 7s. 6d. boards.
London: Printed for Ogle, Duncan, and Co. 37, Paternosser Row, and 295, Holborn.