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praises of their donkeys –
"Varry good donk, Sarshant Major; Varry good, varry nice.
"You have this donk, Sir."
They generally address us with the next higher rank.

Just to hear the donkeys braying: they posess a throat structure which enables them to emit roars quite as loud as those of lions or jaguars. Two or three donkeys are equivalent in vocal accomplishment to a menagerie at feeding –time.

On the streets we see some funny sights –
Here squatting like hens by the wayside, crying the value of their respective wares a number of filthy native men or women, or more amusingly still – big strong looking natives with possibly six boxes of matches as their sole stores, others with a water melon or a basket of tomatoes perched on their head or still others who hope to make their fortunes by the sale of their ten piastres worth of postcards, move lazily up and down the streets singing some awful Arabic dirge.

Then again some filthy old clod from the banks of the Nile will hold unpleasantly close to you, a string of very high smelling birds – these dirty looking over-ripe birds, are "For Sale".

It is nothing unusual to see a native cutting a fowls head off on the footpath, or indeed urinating in the streets is not uncommon. Hard to imagine isn't it – such filth – Take my word for it though, for I've seen it.

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