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No. 2 from Sinai

Canal Zone
March 5th 1916

Dear Dad Mum & All

Your No. 27 under date January 23rd to hand.

We are soon to make another move; it is believed certain that we embark for France within two weeks – We are to do another month training – probably in England – before going into the trenches.

The second division now the Veteran Corps, are the first troops to move – 5th 6th and 7th Inf. Bdes, 13th L.H. with the ninth (9th) to eighteenth (18th) Batterys The first division were split in two – half form the neuclas for the new divisions – half of [our] men, of course, are reinforcements, so that it would be wise to split us up. By smoke won't it just be good to have a cut at the flat-heads

I am going to have some trouble in getting Cecil's transfer affected – Brigade say that they cannot any longer bother about transfers, at least at the present time – I will get him though. My promotion has come through, at last; two stars now.

We are being very particular about whom we take with us to France – we are out, this time, to make are

[Written vertically, on left-hand edge:]
PS Enclosing a few of my Malta pictures.

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