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[Page 129]

I am healing up wonderfully well and quickly – indeed – I fancy that I shall not have a mark to bear witness to the fact that I was wounded.

Lord Methuen has just paid us a visit, he enquired very kindly how I came about my knock.

This new bomb the Turks have is a beast of a thing. It is generally made of a shell casing; with a great shaft screwed to it, enabling them to fire it from some description of trench mortar. [Drawing of bomb in left-hand margin] The shaft screwed into the case, is some four to six feet long and quite two inches in diameter. The Shell case is very highly charged – A similar bomb, but much smaller, (thrown by hand) is known as "The Broomstick bomb".

I shall have a trouble now – for a while to get my mail – Two letters from you, must at present be on the Peninsula for me – I am sure to get them and those following, altho' I fancy I shall probably have to wait a week or so longer. Of course you will address my letters as before – for I shall be back on the Peninsula before the answer to this can reach me – Quite a stroke of ill-fortune that I did not go right home to England – The Ship that left "ANZAC" the day following that on which the "Davanha" left went straight to England. However, we are told here that when we are considered Convalescent we may be sent either to England or to Florence - It is a fact that this is what is generally done – They close the hospital doors on one though until every little scratch is healed over – it is within a week of three months since we put out from Alexandria – for Gallipoli – so that I don't altogether mind a Spell – altho' I hardly feel that I am

[Continued vertically, in left hand margin:]
justified in getting a rest, altho' I suppose my acquaintance with the bomb and its consequences are sufficient and good pass-port.

I hope to know something of Cecil's movements soon – It is quite possible that even now I shall meet, impart the little military knowledge I have to him and bring him with me back to Gallipoli – when discharged as fit and well, we are not bundled immediately back to Gallipoli (over)

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