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[Page 479]

Captain W. A Cull
22nd Bn. A.I.F.
[Off.-Gef.-Lager Freiburg, Baden]
[German censor's stamp: Off.-Gefangenenlager Freiburg, Baden Geprüft 6]
November 8th. 17
Dear Dad Mum & All

This follows closely upon my six pagesletter to you. For that reason tis necessary to enclose the sheet in a note to Marie

I hope and pray that you are all well. Im – well I'm as per usual – 'in the pink'. I've learnt to realize that, 'La vie est un chapelet de petites misères que le philosophe égrène en riant'. and I to, have learnt to pluck them smilingly.

No mail from you yet, but still, providing that you are well, and that I hear from you through others, 'tis not so bad.

Just think 'tis nearly Xmas 17, and I haven't the foggiest notion how you spent Xmas 16. It seems to me that I shall spend my Xmas here this year. I thought my exchange would have been effected

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