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[The Young Men's Christian Association with H. M. Mediterranean Expeditionary Force in Egypt.]
Trenches in Gallipoli

Dear Dad Mum & All

In answer to your No. 10 dated Aug. 13th and bearing post mark date 23.8.15

Last letter I wrote to you, I said how dis-appointed I was at not having got your letter – I got the letter the following day and was jolly pleased. Yes, Dad, your letter did reach me before my birthday – I fancy that I got it on the 30th – I made reference to it in previous letters

Most unfortunate, the outbreak of meningitis – I suppose that it has an effect upon recruiting – Re presents – they were nothing – I've just been thinking – Prior to leaving Egypt I gave instruction to my batman to make a small packet of a few odds and ends that were in a white bag and send them to you – I had collected some foreign coins – a piece of Alabaster from the Alabaster Mosque and such like I believe that he has sent old buttons and other rubbish including an old ring – You will think it an odd parcel

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