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[Page 174]

To-morrow is new years Day – and I think that I may take a run into Cairo, and get a few things that I may want –

I am sending some of my pictures by this mail – some of them are not much good at all tho' – I do hope that my past eight weeks mail has not gone astray – I fancy that it has been collected for me by my friend Rossiter. I should therefore get them when the remainder of the Brigade come along –

Oh Dad I met an Imperial Staff Colonel – at dinner on the express Xmas eve – Colonel Grant. He has been in the War Office till now, and is now on his way to East Africa – He promised – if I wished to take it on – to get me a Commission (permanent): in the Regular Army, and left no doubt in my mind that I could get with him if I so wished – This crowd will do me until the war is over – A grand offer though – for it would mean a Staff job with him – Well dear people it is getting dark and I must ring off –

Fondest love and kisses to all
from your very aff. Son & bro –
at Tel-el-Kebir
late of Anzac

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