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in Europe pronounce it more likely to do well here.  The plants are certainly very Strong & healthy & the fruit very fine.  So far the most reliable ingredient for Beer is secured & Barley does extremely well upwards of 12000 Gallon.of Beer have been made since September last.  Our Brewery at Parramatta is as well constructed as most in England.  Mr Chapman told me in a letter, of his calling on you, but as he went to Bath, that may be the cause reason for not having had a satisfaction he wished for, & I required him not to neglect - I trust he has made a point of paying his Respects to you.

In my letter by Capt Kent I informed you that I had received a letter from Flinders by way of India dated Isle de France August 8th  1804 - A Copy of which I sent the Admty & Secy of State with a Copy of my letter to Governor De Caen [Decaen] whose conduct I think but so, so of either as Citizen of the World or a Man of Science.  I send you a Copy of my Letter to Monsr de Caen.  It was a fortunate circumstance that I sent you a Copy of rather an originil of Baudins Letter to me, and I ardently hope that your benevolent interference may produce the wished for Effect & in that case I hope Flinders has been with you & met that promotion for he so well earned - altho he has in a part measure been unsuccessful.  A more Correct & Zealous Officer I  believe His Majestys Service.has not

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