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This is a phosphate island like Ocean Island. It is much desired by the Japanese. About 10 white men were on the island and a good deal of money was being spent on its development. The settlement is on water's edge. There is no indication of fortification.

Is a wireless station called at by each alternate N.D.L. vessel.

There are no other islands in the direct route of the N.D.L. Steamers. Goods are distributed and collected by a smaller steamer running between the various islands.

Mosquito netting - Quinine (don't overdose or Black Water fever may ensue) thin tennis shirts - white canvas or white leather boots. Sharks teem in the water - no swimming.

R E S I D E N T S.
Mr. & Mrs. Timm   Plantation owners.
Matupi Island Simpsonhafen.
Mention Capt. Lenz.

M. Glasman,
Frederick Wilhelmshaven.
Formerly Manager of the German New Guinea Company now a planter. Mention Capt. Lenz.

Current Status: 