Item 01: Fred Harold Tomlins war diary, 21 August 1914 - 20 March 1915 - Page 66
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[Page 66]
Dec 5-6
of officers went ashore to-night, the Col. said he was going to try & get leave for us all to-morrow, but I suppose we will have no chance now.
by tea time we had barracked the natives down to selling "Alma" cigarettes 9 packets for 1/-; 10 cigarettes to the packet. I also bought 4 dozen matches for 6d that is better than paying 9d per doz for them as we do at the canteen.
Sun 6th
Was on duty from 12 till 4 AM it was very amusing to see the boat loads of lads returning to the boat. they would all come up on the port side of the boat & then ordered around to the gangway & had their names taken as they came on board; eight came up the gangway at one time, an officer & a sentry was at the top of the steps; the officer turned back for a moment & six of