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or both sail into it.  If it proves to be a Bay or Inlet instead of a strait no more Time is to be employed in its Examination than is necessary to sketch an Eye Draught of it; or even should you enter it, on a supposition that it was a strait or Passage;  yet should it prove the contrary, you are to proceed again without delay to the Object of your Survey after sketching the form of the Place & noting such Soundings as may be taken during the necessary Interval of your stay.

It is hoped  expected that by this kind of Examination only the ships will from their local Knowledge of the Coasts they have explored be able to procure Shelter when from the Nature of the Service they may sometimes get embayed in threatening Weather

     We have stated that both Vessels should sail into the Bay or Strait together; & this is order'd, on the Principle that the two Vessels are never to lose sight of each other whilst on the Service of exploring the Coast

     The Longitude, should in the Course of the Survey, be taken on Shore with great Accuracy at two places at least on the Coast - Without such indubitably fixed Points no Accuracy can be expected.  And these Operations may probably be performed [be performed] without loss of Time by chusing the Seasons when the Ships are in Port on Necessary Occasions:

     In Order to identify clearly to future Surveyors & Navigators the several Sands that appear as fixed Points in the Charts;  we direct that two Views at least, of each of those objects be drawn & each from a Different Quarter;  so as to Convey an Idea of them to those who approach

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