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the right woman for the position. We have morning tea at 7.30. a.m. & breakfast at 8.30. a.m. in bed. Must rest then until 10. a.m. Have a bath or go for a swim, we are not far from the sea – but I do not go, on account of my wound. Anyhow usually loaf about until luncheon 12. 30. p.m. then all have forty winks, afternoon tea at 4. p.m. & then out for a walk or drive. 8.p.m. dinner – then a little music & to bed at 10. p.m. I got up about 11. a.m. Saturday. Rang-up a Captain Combes who is on the staff here – He was a patient of mine at the Palace was badly wounded , so unable to return to the firing line.

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