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[Page 134]

made our way to a Restaurant & had a great feed – we were starving – this climate makes us eat & the food is so good. I shall get very fat if I stay here much longer. Everybody thinks I'm looking well & getting my color again.
Returned to Southall through Kew had a huge circle trip – got in about 9. 30. p.m. feeling very tired & got to bed as soon as possible. This morning have to wait for news, so cannot go out until this afternoon, hence this long letter. Must get into the Base to get my pay-book fixed-up & procure a little more money. My money is flying here, hope to be able to save in France.
I would give something to know how my beloved is & where. Fondest love & kisses to you all & hope you are well. From, Yours lovingly, Edith.

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