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[Page 44]

swarming the streets.
I forgot to tell you that Dorothy Newton has become engaged to a soldier. He was on our boat, came from Queensland with the Artillery. I think he is a Sergeant. I'm rather sorry because as far as I know he is not half good enough for her & much too old. I do not see much of her, all her spare time is spent with him & we do not have time off together, we share the same room but have two others, so cannot talk much. He has not gone to the Front yet. Some of our troops (Kyarra) left for Dardenelles last Tuesday. It is Sunday but one never knows here, shops open & going on as if it were any week day.
I'm afraid my friends shall be rather disgusted with me not writing but really I've very little time, must try to write more for next mail. Give them all my love. Send me Norman Bowers number & the Battalion he belongs to. I have tried to make enquiries but have failed so far.

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