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for walks & yesterday we go hired a funny old cab, (somewhat like the Egyptian "Garry") with an awful mongrel of a horse – travelled at the rate of three miles an hour, the best we could procure. We thoroughly enjoy our little drive – had a little French girl with us & she made us talk French all the time – well, we had some fun out of it. Must try to understand what these people say. We are to learn a few words & phrases each day so try to improve our french a little. Last Sunday-morn I went to H.C. early and quite a number were there. Had to get up much earlier but it was a very beautiful morning. Glad it was not this morning, very cold & rainy to-day.
In the afternoon, went to a Military Show, was not too bad – the Tent Pegging etc was not much. Sorry none of our Aust. horse men were in it. One or two weeds of Australians

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