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but is also doing well. Sister Newton is still at Suez but most likely Sister Murray will see her to-day & tell you later news of her than I.
There was great excitement yesterday 3 trains arrived with wounded men. and this morning expect ever so many more, those that came last night were able to walk, the stretcher cases are to arrive to-day.
There has been great doings but news is very unsatisfactory so far. I daresay you hear more than we do. The News Papers here are no good but we have been told officially that The Hill "Achi Babi" has been taken by the Tommies & the French but of course you will have heard all about that by the time this reaches you. The wounded men were awfully cheerful & as jolly as could be. It is really astonishing the brave & good spirits our men have. Come in minus a limb or eye & think they are lucky getting off so well.
I have not seen Fred since last Monday-week, am sending him word that I'm ill. He is very busy, none of the

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