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Alexandria better than Cairo. I have not heard anything of Nickie suppose she has gone to England –
We have not received any letters for over a week expect some some to-day.
I had a letter from Dorothy on Saturday & she is a little brighter, had just received two letters from her beloved at the front. She may be coming to see me She is able to get 48 hrs off-duty, so thinks she will come up to see us. I'm just longing to see her. Poor girl it is very lonely for her down at Suez. Keith came to see me Saturday afternoon & he looked splendid Very delighted & excited at getting a move on.
Sister Cris Murray was I to see me yesterday afternoon and she is looking so well after her week at Alexandria. Sister Bolton is a perfect dear to me, comes along every day & does anything I want. Luckily I bought three pretty nighties to keep for emergency, little thinking I should need them so soon.

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