Box 6 Item 01: Edith S. Thistlethwaite letters and papers, 1914-1923 - Page 155
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1st South African Gen. Hosp. France. October 1st 1916
My dearest Mother & Sisters,
Received letters 70 & 71, on Friday night, so 68 & 69 have gone astray, most likely shall put in an appearance in about a week or so.
Was delighted to get them, it seemed years since I got home letters, hope they will come regularly now. Am so pleased you are all keeping well and getting along alright without the "Bread-winner" of the family.
I wonder when I shall be back with you all. Oh, we realise what Home Sweet Home, means. Still you know I'm so pleased to be able to do my little bit. The weather has been much more enjoyable lately and we are feeling much more contented. We have not been nearly so busy