Box 6 Item 01: Edith S. Thistlethwaite letters and papers, 1914-1923 - Page 145
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London. Sept 7th 1916.
My dearest Mother & Sisters.
I have now definite news to tell you of my position. I'm leaving here the end of this week for France and rejoining my own Unit. No 1. A. Gen. Hosp. Rouen. So I'm very lucky in one way but sad of heart am I, have not heard a word about or from my boy. May perhaps hear something when I get to France.
I had a letter from Dorothy & she is delighted I'm in England, she will be surprised when she knows I'm going to No 1. A. Gen. H.
I have sent a number of P. Cards to Belle but to keep for me – They are worth keeping, so I hope you receive them safely. I've had a glorious week so far.
On Monday, met Sisters Nicholson & Strickland & had lunch with them. Then Nickie & I went to Hampton Court. Oh, it is a