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from the one I took with Nickie last Monday – It was a fine trip, reached The Palace about 3. p.m. had time to do the Galleries & the Grounds – some of the girls had not been there before – caught the 4.30. p.m. boat for Richmond. Oh, the River Thames is beautiful & we thoroughly enjoyed every inch of the way. Also highly amused – boats of all kinds, but really have not time to describe them – Folk having afternoon tea on the river, boats moored along the banks, tucked in under trees, looking very gay, girls & boys in gay clothing – spirit lamp on table with kettle boiling. My, the lovers here are most brazen – no modesty at all – worse than the Australians in Egypt. The House-boats on the Thames are a sight to see – must try to get a picture of it & send you.
Reached Richmond at 6.15. p.m.

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