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carried to "The New Mess-room", it was beautifully decorated & the tables looked grand – Bon-Bons etc. In each tent I had (from No 4 to No 9) a small table in the centre, with all the goodies for patients that could not get up. They also had oranges, bananas, nuts etc. Wine & beer. I have charge of the tents mentioned. The patients are not acute in my wards – we have h huts now for No. 1. 2 & 3. Wards – hope to get more & do away with tents but we are very comfy now.
The dinner was cooked beautifully Roast-beef & plum pudding for Full Diets – chicken (tined) custard & jellies etc for Light & Milk Diets. The Colonel & M. O's went to the Mess Room & the Col. made a speech

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