

Wondobeane       Blackmountain (Basalt & granite)

Berajondo       River throug flat

Kulngna       uncle country

Beapes         Father

Yalngal       Sacred objects

Yerk Inmtoheal       Smal or young mountain Close to bigger one

Mular       (tube group) native bee honey

Walarr       Sub group of above also a kind of Native Bee much large than Mularr

(Mianboord now digging) Commonly Called Munburra       burial ground & sacred objects in the shape of stones x  Supposed x to have been huts occupied by great Hunters long since dead & houses turned to stone

x believed x

(Awod) at Barrow Point       Sacred spot upon which the great fighters & hunters came to him ag €‹ long dead, come back and Hunt & hold Borem Borerr festival's

Goarka Duyu (Head of Endeavour River)       all Iguanas Killed during the p soon long time ago on account of some (yerka) youths who have not passed through Borerr Ceremony) Satiny forbidden food

J MKenny

const 417 8Mile




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