


1:+Noosa Merthyn         Soul

Tewah       Unknown

Kirrkau       A channell cut by tides

Caloola       The Cypress Pine tree

Toolou (Island)         a house

Walvi         A Picaninny or baby

Kin Kin         an ant

Cootharaba       a Nullah Nullah club

Elauda       Black Swan

Greening       do

Boreeu         a fish. bouy bream

Mulloo       a Black Stone or Snake

[Wov ai?]       An iquana

3:++Tewantin. "Barrebee"       A vine the roots being used for food

Muuna. (Island)         Black Mud

Cooloy         A Shark

2:+: Doonan- " Taroom"-       A Scrub fruit, wild range

Cooiroy, Mt       an Opossum

Coorooeva, Mt       a mountain on NC railway. held Sacred by blacks

Coorau, Mt       S Stone pillar

Booudareeu    pl a prickly vine

Wooraba       Box tree

Towaee       a dead tree

Kocki       a green tree, also, blood

Mooloy       oyster rock

Neringcurboy  /  Meringarba       The pandanus or Bredfruit tree

Moyoomba       I am perspiring

Woolandum       Stunted Honey Suckle

Booninbah       a Bloodwood tree

Coongdalba       a  Spring of good water

Eudlo       an Eel

Woombye       The Black Myrtle

Nambour       Tea tree bark

Kikiamba       a reed Necklet

Derree       A star

Derrooeu       The Sun

Babune       Moou-also, father

Thagiue       Rainbow

Wireen         a pounded rush used to absorb honey & sucked

Teebeen. (Creek)       A mosquito

Eli       The Male crab

Nelloor       The female Crab

Mundoolum, on Frasus Island-       The death adder

Teebah       The oyster

Wawoon       Scrub Turkey

Wawang       a Shell fish

Eerwah Mt         oyster

Coondoo, Mt       Food

Wyene       Shallow water

4 Coonvora, Mt       unknown

Pinbarren, Mt       unknown

Erumundi       unknown

Coolothin       unknown

Noonella       unknown

1. Said to be a corruption of No, Sir, the second name given is the native name to which the meaning Refers.

2 Both are native names no meaning is known for Doonan.

3. Second name is native  name, no meaning found for Tewantin  

4 Five names are given with meanings unknown. these names have been used from time immorial & the meanings are lost.

[Jou?] Pickering

Actg Sgt A311

Tewantin 6.5.00    



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