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Commissioner of Police
Queensland 08916
Wycarbah Native Cat
Boolburra (Bulburra) Creek
Duaringa (Tunarinja) oak-tree
Coomooboolaroo (Kamooboolaroo) two water holes.
Balcomba Jumping
Wallaroo Wattle tres
Wooroona (Warkoona) left-hand
Wandoo One - from one Mountain
Nurrul burry Lance wood
Boogain [deooringse?] White brigalow
Kutheel Meteor
Boonara Swamp oak
Kun Kine Stone Knife
Yulga large perch
Moony a buthear Scrubby plains
Kooroondee Scrub-gum-tree.
Kudjergum The little finger taken off at the second joint (a sacred rite)
Burru Wonkey One hill.
Gibber Gunyah Stone house (cave) N.S.water.
Yarraman dingy the place of the horse
Munbun Chafing of two trees
Moongaroobullah Brigalaw scrub
Moppoo burree The place of meat ants.
Burowsah Sand
Taroom Native pomergranite
Woongar oongar Mountain Wattlle
Mar Run Wasp nest.
Kokulbinda A tree of the Eucalyptus tribe ( literally the haunt of the Wallaroo)
Komoolgun large water hole
Munurrah wum lunjee The place of the murder.
Daniel Toohey
Sub-Inspector of Police.