Primary tabs
Woolgar Police Station
Arion Mickuloo White man
Oneloo " woman
eniah Black man
Tokatoo " woman
Condiah White baby
Jeleroo Black "
Neea The foot
Bell The ear
Emwuck The head
Keea The hand
Benderee Bow-legged
Muckindo Humpbacked
Alliway Dead body
Bremil Horse
Jurkeeong Bullock
Enduah Young horse
Geeboon A pig
Mowiroo A Dingo
Boan An emu
Aroo A kangaroo
Corlick A Paddy Melon
Nurre A Wallaby
Egar Opossum
Cadyee A Porcupine
Embil A snake
Begun Iguana
Coobrah A Magpie
Watcherem A Crow
Murungal Thunder
Barrinkee Lightning
Roah rain
Noom Darkness
Patting Daylight
Brooka The moon
Leeimoo New moon
Endee The sun
Cooday Star
Nunger Falling Star
Berkaroo Cold weather
Demin Hot weather
Millin A house
Nooa A mountain
Broka Big stone
Loyne A waggon
Narkarn A tree
Tooa A Sway
Cookara A bucket
Rouie a gun
Mouash An axe
Boona Grass
Iruee Fire
Nyah sand
Chickeroo shell
Jilka A spear
Qurra A shield
Witaki Nullah Nullah
Arion no good
Imurran Good fellow
Yarra A stock yard
Yeerally A stake yard
Mirru A stockwhip
Mumgula A river
Inaree A yam
Yambo Wild [poports?]
Murkin A hornet
Widdingar A net
Watong Fishing hook
diall " line
W Tasker 1/c Const
No 662