

N.Hey - Mapoon Thursday Island

Names of places on the Batavia River N. Queensland

Mapoon       Sand hill

Namaquiga       Big tree

Maringapa ra-wena       On a downward path

ra-ena       A point

draphra a        End of road

Yefencha       Place where many fishes have been eaten

Chorawondachena       Where a particular fish is to be found

Nambangah       Mangrove

Tayung       Sand bank

Banarima-ana       A big place

Ranabenna Nan-a       Near the top of a hill

Sanda-anama       A place where fruit grows

Quamparanga       Cat fish plentiful

Quackanange       Near a creek

Doochanama       Big swamp

Udanama       Cockatoo

Onjaidina       Leaf of tree used to make baskets

Garunga       Small Turtle

No-oom-banna       Wood for spears

Nama ba-ana       Where big fish have been caught

Landinga       Grass from which women make belts

Adaw       Wild fruit

Dawanga       Grass g spear

Dringalana       Implement for making spears

Ranlana       Fig tree

Cocoaclilua       Iron brark tree

Corrogouna       Wild Plum

Doolcharinga       Beetles

Mendabanooma       Tree struck by lightning

Chorongo       An owl

Taffra       A man who   eats insects

Chooono       Near small Island

Morbanyana       place where big Rangaroos are to be found

Adaringa       Fruit tree (large)

Cherawonda       Wild fruit

Awangalana       Large bush fire

Muirungey         Sacred place    

Nuinpratchey       Place where mullets in numbers were found

Na-eneoanyana       Dead men

Indingana       Fibre of tree

Draembunga       Where the first boat was seen to anchor by the natives

Woambrina       The split ear of a man

Ba-ina       Sacred place

Mapoona       Where a child was born

Baad       Place for bird hunting

Cheerina       Created by thunder

Anangapanna       Small rat

Dannawoona       Where alligator killed a man

Noona       place where food scarce

Warrabanana     Where shingarees were found

[Toondabungnung?]  Toondinga      Emu

Banga langa       Snake

Toringa       Ibis

Awaringa       A big woman


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Ready for review