


Inspector of Police Charleville

Inspector of Police Queensland 12539 9.AUG.1900

Weelamura-Bingwing       Boomerangs sit down  one time

Charlotto Plains. Doorabone       Earthwoems sit down

Widgeegoora       No water sit down

Burrenbilea       Small brown stones, on the ridges

Bowra       Big waterhole where Kangarroo bogy one time

Wurra Wurra       Place where water runs quick

Boogy burrah       Where Small birds (diamond Sparrow) [?] up

Bollon       Where blackfellow live long time ago

Cunnamulla       Where Kangaroo Come in to water long time ago

Uindegurra       Where big  lot of divers sit down

The above is all the information the Sergt has been able to Collect on the matter. it was obtained from a few of the oldest & most intelligent black fellows on Weelamurra Station


sergeant 396

Cunnamulla 27/5/00

Current Status: 
Ready for review