Box 5 Folder 2: Queensland place names, 1900 - Page 46
Primary tabs
Bippoo Mountain
Woggoon Scrub turkey
Warrill Big river
Eagnell Small creek
Cockoora Porcupine
Yawkerra Iguana
Wankan Crow
Bungill Grass
Nuki English bee
Juenburra Ordinary fly
Guah Rain
Bunah Bloodwood tree
Mungarra Gum tree
Maree Kangaroo
Mullou Big Stone
Brolgun Curlew
Juenburraguel Small Scrub frequented by Juenburra (Ordinary fly)
Charlu Fire
Cobbull Carpet Snake
Wangun Old man Wallaby
Yackiel Bandicoot
Jubneu Iron-bark tree
Balgumbur Very large Mountain
Tabill Water
Cobawin Large scrub
Nargum Dog
Euragin Dingo
Moogra Thunder
Kibbum Moon
Moyungary Sun
Wurring Cold
Boomgarla To kill
M OConnor
Act Sergt 07
The Aborigines in this locality do not appear to know why or what places & things derived their names from. [MOCor?]