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                                                                   No/" 5. Station
           WRE                                                        22 Sept. '99
G Read Esq                                                         


                                                                      Sergt. Bradley
reports: - 
                The No. 5. or Newtown Police
Division comprises 18 municipalities and
of these Kogarah is the only one where
aboriginal names are used.
             The appended list is taken from
that locality and strange though it may
appear the Sergt. has failed to obtain
the meaning or derivations of some of 
the words. Black Albert an aboriginal 
in the employ of Mr. Peter Baalman of
** Sans Souci has been carefully questioned
but very little could be got from him.
              Dr. Carroll the founder of the Anthro.
pological Society resides at Sans Souci
and no doubt is well acquainted with
the names the Sergt. has collected and
the difficulty of obtaining their right

W.R. Elliott Esq.                   Geo. Bradley
  Sub Inspector
                        Aboriginal Names
"Kogarah" "Coogarah Street" "Gunyah Bay"
"Kyle Bay" "Mi Mi Street". Yarran Street.
"Woronora River". "Woniora Rd" "Wonoona", "Woolli
Creek" and "Tellegaree Point:

** Forwarded
to the Insp

15-9-99  [?]

Current Status: 