State Library of NSW
[Page 11]
Sep 18 – 23
Fri 18th Doing nothing but looking at riding tests all day witnessed some lovely falls. on picket from 10 pm till 2 am.
Sat 19thRaces at Rosebery. went out on the hills for mounted drill with signallers Coleman made the pace a cracker. Stan stopped a kick from Cob but was not hurt Coleman's horse bolted, we saw Jessie at Hospital evening
Sun 20thChurch parade morning. were told in orders that we start to embark on Thursday. received a pass from 2 PM till 6 PM went to Felicia, met Jess & Eva Stokes there & went to Church for a change
Mon 21stLying about all morning getting instructions how to fold overcoats
Tue 22ndInnoculated against typhoid mounted drill. to Felicia evening
Wed 23rdRaces at Rosebery, mounted troops inspected by Govenor General, saw Jessie evening at Hospital
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