Item 01: Fred Harold Tomlins war diary, 21 August 1914 - 20 March 1915 - Page 43

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[Page 43]

Nov 22

These troops ships are the things to quieten horses, they are quite used to turning around corners, that at one time, I would have thought impossible, & they will follow us past electric dynamo's, as if there was nothing there; they are only allowed 1 peck of chaff & a double handful of bran, 3 times a day, & it is quite sufficient to keep them in good nick.

At Church Parade this morning the Colonel told us that any letters we cared to post at Aden would not be censored; we also saw several scholl of flying fish this morning. I am on the bridge from 12 to 4 P.M. with Hobson. It is still very hot but not unbearable & the sea has not had a ripple in it since we left "Colombo". There are 4 New Zealand boats ahead of us, but they

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