Item 01: Fred Harold Tomlins war diary, 21 August 1914 - 20 March 1915 - Page 27

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Nov 12 – 13

Thur 12th
Another horse died last night. the S.M. & Oakess had an argument on the bridge Oakes would not do as he was told & was ordered down. He then entered some charges against the S.M. & the cases come off this morning.
The Jap warship yesterday to day scouted well out in front, & was seen by Creighton & Marsh (who were on the bridge) to fire 5 shots stopping a trading vessel. we also sighted an armed merchantman who proved to be the Empress of Russia. (Canadian-Pacific Line)

Fri 13th
Was on duty on the bridge from 6 to 8 P.M. & from 12 to 4 A.M.
last night, I heard several shots fired about 8 o'clock, but they were a long way away from us, I

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