Box 4 Folder 3: New South Wales place names, 1899-1903 - Page 11

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[Page 11]                                                                                                                                    210

Name of Place Meaning or reason Why it was Given Name of Place Meaning or Reason Why it was Given
    Goondoobluie Wild Willow Tree
    Collymongle Very long waterhole or Lagoon

warerhole haunted
by fish in shape
of debbil-debbil.

Barwon Nice water, so
called because
the water in the
river was always
good to drink-
Eulabil rocks and waves of good
Yarrae-bluie Name of a stony ridge-
Wonolga name of a plain. Wonder-buller-nudaldi This place was
so called because
it was the
place where the 
blacks first saw
a white man
Thoolooma thunder Coomer Name of a sand Bank
Mogil Mogil the bumble tree or
wild orange
Thinnerwau Emu
Barl-thurra-thurra Spur-winged pluver.
The blacks name nearly 
all the birds from their
note of call for instance
Kee-bar-boo Day-break
Jirry Jirry Wag-tail's note of call Uri The sun
Laughing Jackass Killā The moon
Bul-lar-lool Dead box tree Mirree a Star
Eurooe Scrub Goonergueler Clouds
Gumca Red  dust    
Thulangar Salt Bush Plains Yubbah Carpet Snake
Bridgery-avu Name of a haunted Tomb Yarrabee Gum tree
Birrey-Birrey Place so called
because 2 blacks
of different tribes
fought a duel
Binger-Wingle Name of Needlewood 
Barreubah Brigalow trees    
Theeni Iron Bark tree    
Buther Rose wood tree

Most of the places are called after the names of the trees

J.R. Walker
Mogil Mogil

Gilla Wild Hop tree    
Moodgoo Oak Tree    
Coodoo Cod fish    
Goobaygullah [Canaul]? bush tree    


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