Box 4 Folder 3: New South Wales place names, 1899-1903 - Page 109

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[Page 109]                                                                       300

Name of Place Meaning or Reason Why it was Given
Wonaminta  Plenty boomerang
Nundora Breaking bushes
Poolamacca  Mother
Wilkirena  Little toe
Quinyambi Excreta
Coroporena Straight bone
Torrowangee  Creek
Tintee Hill
Mootwingee Grass
Perindee Lightning
Curandoo Thunder
Mockera Rain
Minda Cloud
Mundi Mundi Water Water
Toonga Grave
Gualta Sons
Noontherangee Roots of Yams
Euriowie Waterhole
Yarrangee Oppossum
Boonthno Wool
Muberumberka a Rathole
Purnamoota a acacia tree growing in a grassy flat
Buckalow Little Lake

E J Wood Dist Regr Silverton 13.11.99





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