Box 4 Folder 3: New South Wales place names, 1899-1903 - Page 89

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Walumetta - North Shore - Sydney

Mulyan - A small place at the crossing of the road from Murringo to Bathurst or the Lachlan, in consequence of Eagle Hawks frequenting it formerly.

Demondril - Because large reeds grew there previous to occupation by whites from which natives made spears

Yerroulbine - Long nose Point

Milmil - Goat Island

Coodgee - Jack the Millers Point

Yarra - Slaughter Housepoint

Jubughalu - Bennelong Point - Fort Macquarie

Yourong - Mrs Macquarie's Point

Jerrewon - Elizth Point

Yarrandabby - McLeays Pt

Willarra - Point piper

Moring - Vaucluse pt

Burrow way - Rocky pt S of Vaucluse

Moring - Vaucluse Pt

Kulli - Siddons & Watsons 

Ka bung harra - L(i)ang's pt now Watsons Bay or near Watsons Bay

Burrur birra - Sow & Pigs

Boam Billy - Shark Island

Billing ololah - Clark Island

Warung-aria - Billy Blues Point

Quiberee - Hulk Bay (Lavender Bay)

Kiarabelli (Kirribilla) - Milsons Point

Wudyong - Pt East of Milsons Pt

Wurru birri - McLarens Store

Weye Weye - Careening Cove Head

Kurra ba -Pt w of Robertson's (Cremorne Pt)

Wabwarra-geung - Robertsons Pt (Cremorne Pt)

Goram-bullagong - Sirius Cove

Burroggy - Bradley's Head

Koree - Chouder Bay

Gurugal - West Head

Warringa - Head Middle harbour

Kunna - N Harbour

Jilling - Frenchams N Harbour

Tumbalong - Darling Harbour

Burra-bra - The Spit M Harbour

Parriwa - East pt of Spit

Muttama - Take il

Calara - Lachlan River

Ong - The termination "ong" to the names of places signified that there was a permanent spring of water at that place. Viz Tallong; Buriong, Illalong, Boogolong, Bennelong (now called Binalong).

Binjee - Boorroowa District signified the belly - on Mr Broughton's station on the Booroowa River is a large & very deep water hole called Binjee-nine

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