William Ambrose Cull letter diary, 1915-1918 - Page 480

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months ago. However I might yet see 'Blighty before Xmas. Two of us – both Australia[ns] live in the lager infirmary. We have everything we require and we're well treated so that you need not worry on my score

W. Tell my friends that I wish them a Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year. Wish brothers and sisters the same from me. You will understand that my letter writing is limited – two letters and four p. cs per month. I send you two letters one direct and of late one through Marie. I don't like sending cards, and besides I write occasionally to Cec. Joe and Eng. Immediately Marie hears from me she writes to Cec. and to Joe.

I must close. I wish you all a Merry Xmas and a happy and prosperous New Year.

My love and many, very many, aff. kisses from your loving and devoted son & brother
Wm Ambrose Cull

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