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The primary Object of your Expedition, is, to obtain with all the Dispatch that is consistent with General Accuracy, a correct General Outline of the Northwest Coast of the Continent of North America; or what from the present state of European Knowledge of the Subject, may appear to You to be the Coast of that Continent.
Your Survey will commence at the Degree of North Latitude & is to be continued Northward to
The Mode by which this Measure is proposed to be accomplished is First, by Leisurely coasting the Shore & determining with just Exactness as can be obtained by your Quadrant & Time Keepers, the Latitudes & Longitudes of certain Land Marks which are to serve the purpose affixed & Primary Points for the use of future Surveyors; whenever the Intervals may be required to be filled up hereafter, with an equal Degree of Accuracy: And Secondly, by Bearings, Computation, & Eye Draughts or Sketches from yr- [your] Mast Head or otherwise; to fill up the Intervals between the fixed Points to the best of your Judgment: but without stopping for that Purpose, unless either a Spanish Settlement, or an opening into the Continent should present themselves; in which Cases, they must be Regarded as of equal Importance to any of the fixed Points for Surveyors.
The proper Objects to be selected for fixed Points are - 1sly The most prominent Parts of the Coast, 2ndly. Those Sands, which tho' not very near the Coast, are Remarkable in their Appearance; & may therefor be easily