Letter received by Banks from William Bligh, 16 - 25 December 1792 (Series 50.21) - No. 0002

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Of Peeah which is the sago Root of Otaheiti, 7 large Pots.
Of Ettow & Mattee, the two Plants which produce the beautifull[sic] red colour 6 Pots of each.
Of New Plants 10 Pots and 2 Tubs The whole amounting to 1281 Packages vessels -1151 of which were Breadfruits.-

On the 2.d of October I arrived at Coupang in Timor. In my passage to this place we lost 224 Pots of Breadfruit -1 Pot of Avees - 3 Pots of Plantains.

At this place we got 6 Pots of Mangos-7 Pots of Jambolang - 20 Pots of Jambo - 4 of Blimbing- 6 Chermailah - 2 of Karambolas - 6 Lemon Nonesang 4 Cosambees - 3 of Cattapahs - 4 of Breadfruit - 6 of Seeree Boah - 5 of Seereedown - 4 Peenang & 15 Pots of New Plants.- Total 92 Pots-I could only procure 8 gallons of Mountain Rice-The Nanka, Boabidarah & Namnam, we could only procure Seeds of.

I sailed from Coupang the 10.th of October & on the 6.th of November crossed the Tropic 3 Degrees to the Eastward of Mauritius.  I now had an account taken of the Plants that I might estimate the effect of the 

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