File 1: Hassall family, correspondence, volume 1, pp. 1-690, 1796-1854: No. 046

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is probable I may go down
again in about a Fortnight
when I think I shall be more
fortunate —  You must have
been much gratified on your
arrival to find the whole of your
Family so comfortably settled,
after your severe loss. It is
a debt we must all expect to
pay and children must in the
common course of things have
the heavy calamity of lamenting
the Death of their Parents — But
it is not a lamentation without
Hope as most assuredly we
shall again meet to endless bliss
through the sufferings of our
most gratious [sic] and beloved
Redeemer unless by our own
faults for we are told those
that seek him shall in no
case be cast out and with
what Joy can I say my Beloved
Mother left this world in peace and
with a firm reliance on him that
can alone be looked up to in the
Hour of Death with confidence.
Please to tell Mr Lawry
I received his Letter and that the
sale of the ox was not of the least
consequence and will thank him
to Credit us with the amount in
your Mothers account as there
is a little Balance there I
believe in her Favour.
Make my kindest re
=membrance to all your family
I have a Note from Edward for you
which he desired I would deliver
myself I have therefore left it till
I see you supposing it of no im
mediate consequence
I remain

My dear Old Friend

Yours most sincerely

G. Cox


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