State Library of NSW
31 I send you herewith, a few books & tracts. You will find among them Vol. 4 of some Village Sermons which I have printed, which are much read in many places & which for has been [pleased?] remarkably [?] [?]. [?] [a?] the play. Many many thousands have been [?] I must now close. I have not yet your brother Hancox's letters, but am afraid to wait longer, as I hear the ship is gone for Portsmouth, & I should be sorry you should be again disappointed in hearing from me. I hope to forward his letters in time.
Mr [Burder?] writes with me in Christian love and best wishes both for yourself, Mrs Hassall & family. I remain
[D Bro.?] yours most affectionately in our
[ever?] dear Lord Jesus.
Geo. Burder Coventry March 6. 1800 I beg Christian love and respects to the [?] clergymen or any others near you, who love the Lord Jesus Christ.
32 PS. Your brother's letters just came & is in closed.
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