File 1: Hassall family, correspondence, volume 1, pp. 1-690, 1796-1854: No. 017

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Mr Mrs Williams
Ship Harriet   
3 May             

the Lord will be pleased to make me such another minister as the author - after you have read it perhaps you will have the kindness to lend it to my friend Davies who I am sure will be interested in the perusal of it. I wish I had another to lend Miss?  Davies but the will must now be taken? for the deed as I cannot now find

I am sure it would be the happiest thing we will possibly enjoy in this transitory life.

Make my kind respects to your Father & Dear Mother for the attention they paid me as a stranger. Mention? me to Miss Davies for whom with yourself  through our knowledge of each other was there I feel a certain friendship which I hope will not easily be erased.  To both of you I wish the compliments of the season with more .su  blessings poured out from him who loved & gave himself for us.

Believe me to remain

Yours truly

... Hassall

all the V   a of youth

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