Mr. Suttor in the Chair.
Mr. King | Mr. Smith
Mr. Hill
The Chairman laid before the Committee a Draft Report as proposed at their last meeting.
Motion made (Mr. King), and Question,––"That this report be now read,"––agreed to.
Report read accordingly.
Committee deliberated, and verbally amended the same.
Whereupon motion made (Mr. King), and Question,––"That this Draft Report as verbally amended be the report of the Committee,"––agreed to.
Chairman requested to report to the House.
Page 1, title. Omit "grape vine cuttings and grapes"
Page 1, clause 1, lines 10 to 12. Omit "and any other disease in grape vines proclaimed by the Governor as a disease within the meaning of this Act"
" " line 16. After "means" insert "all parts of a "
" " line 17. After "vine" insert "except grapes"
" " line 17 and 18. Omit "whether enclosed or not wholly or in part"
" " line 18. At end of clause add "owner means owner tenant or person in charge"
Page 2, clause 2, line 3. Omit "vine cuttings or grapes"
" " line 7. Omit "or vine cuttings or grapes"
" " lines 10 and 11. Omit "vine cuttings or grapes"
" " line 12. After "pounds" omit remainder of clause.
" clause 3, lines 16 and 17. Omit "vine disease"
" " line 19. Omit "or without" insert "twenty-four hours"
" " line 19. After "notice" insert "to the owner"
" " line 20. Omit "wheresoever the same may be situated"
" " line 23. Omit "vine"
" clause 4, lines 24. Omit "to" insert "and proved to the satisfaction of"
" " line 25. Omit "as" insert "to be"
" " lines 25 and 26. Omit "or in any vineyard within a radius of three miles from any such first-mentioned vineyard"
" " lines 29 and 30. Omit "or authorised by the Governor"
" clause 5, line 35. Omit "The"
" " line 35. After "vineyard" insert "destroyed"
" " line 36. After "Act" insert "and
" " lines 36 to 38. Omit "as may be agreed upon between the inspector for the district in which the vineyard is situate and such owner or in default of agreement"
" " line 45. Omit "Inspector for the district or"
" " line 46. Omit "Inspector or"
" clause 6, lines 50 and 51. Omit "owner of such vines if a"
" " line 56. Omit "Arbitration" insert "the Board"
Page 3, clause 8, lines 9 and 10. Omit "or part of a vine"
" " line 11. Omit "diseased"
" " lines 11 and 12. Omit "or part of a vine or any vine or part thereof"
" " line 14. Omit "or reasonably believed to be infected"
" " line 14. Omit "vine"
" clause 9, line 19. Omit "tenant or person in charge"
" " line 20. Omit "the first appearance" insert "his ascertaining or having reasonable grounds for suspecting the existence"
" " line 20. Omit "any"
" " line 21. Omit "Inspector of the district or"
" " line 24. After "disease" insert "or his suspicion of its existence"
Bonnard, Henry Edouard, Esq. ............................................. 15, 17
Bruckhauser, Mr. John .......................................................... 31
Hardy, Mr. Thomas ............................................................... 9
King, The Honorable Philip Gidley, M.L.C. ........................... 30
Moore, Charles, Esq. ........................................................... 13, 33
Reedy, Mr. Thomas .............................................................. 25
Watt, Charles, Esq. .............................................................. 32
Whittaker, Mr. Henry ............................................................. 23