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RABAUL (Continued)
TOWNS: With the exception of Herbertshohe, the old centre of Government, no places of importance exist.
Matupi Island separates Matupi Hafen from Simpson Hafen, It is connected with the mainland by a bridge, which may now be destroyed.
ANCHORAGES &c. Matupi and Simpson Hafen form excellent anchorages for all classes of vessels. A large pier has been constructed at Rabaul capable of accommodating a Battleship on each side. There is a Slip which will accommodate vessels up to 200 tons. Carpenters' shops and Stores, and a Pier with sheer legs to lift about 7 tons, are on Matupi Island
LAUNCHES: - say 12 - Plantation Companies and Traders all keep Launches and Auxiliary Schooners. There is also a Government Patrol Steamer.
MILITARY FORCE: There is no standing Military Force established, but a fairly strong Native Constabulary, numbering 100 to 400 strong, armed with Magazine Rifles with two white Officers (kept to quell Native disturbances). It is anticipated that the resident Germans will all be armed.
FOOD SUPPLIES: Usually plentiful, there being several large stores. However, the latest reports shew that tinned meats are short. Native foods such as Yams, Sweet Potatoes, Pigs, Cocoanuts, etc. are plentiful and there are some Chinese Gardens.
WATER: The rainfall is about 100 inches per year and falls mainly during the months of December, January , February and March. The water is conserved in tanks, a large number of these being in evidence at all the stores and houses. Water is very plentiful at Herbertshohe from a small stream called Matanatua at the Roman Catholic Mission Station. There are several streams of fresh water running into Weber Hafen on the North Coast.
TRANSPORT: One or two motor lorries, and a few motor cars; very few horses and carts. Native Porters and tram tracks are used.
DEFENCES: No permanent defences up to within a fortnight ago, when the Destroyers visited these places.
COMMUNICATION: (Wireless) - The Wireless Station is believed to be about 4 miles inland from Herbertshohe. Exact location unknown.
(Cable) - It is reported that Rabaul is connected by Cable with Yap (Carolines); this is improbable.
(Telegraph) - Telegraph line connecting Rabaul via Coast Road. The instruments at Rabaul were dismantled by Officers from H.M.A.S. "Sydney".
CLIMATE: Similar to all Tropical Countries; unfavorable to Europeans. Malaria, Dysentry and Ague prevalent in most of the groups.