State Library of NSW
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The GERMAN NEW GUINEA PROTECTORATE was proclaimed in 1884, and includes:-
The BISMARCK ARCHIPELAGO is the most important group, and consists of Neu Pemmern (formerly New Britain), Neu Mecklenburg (New Ireland), Neu Lauenburg (Duke of York Islands) and adjacent Islands.
NEW BRITAIN (Neu Pommern) is some 285 miles from end to end and is no where more than 50 miles wide. A chain of hills runs from end to end, with dense scrub, extinct and active volcanoes. The Northern part of the Isand is know as Gazelle Peninsular.
Rabaul is the seat of Government and centre of the population of the Island; it is situated on the Eastern shore of Simpson Hafen - and inlet of Blanche Bay (Gazelle Peninsular). The town is laid out in chessboard fashioned squares, the Executive Officers being situated in the centre. The Governor's Residence is on a hill overlooking the town (elevation about 600 ft.) from which a commanding view of all the surrounding country and seas through the gaps on the higher distant hills, is to be had. The surrounding country is mountainous and consists in a great measure of Volcanic lands, The growth of vegetation is rank scrub, but the coast line of Blamche Bay and Simpson Hafen has been cleared for a considerable distance and cocoanut plantations have taken the place of scrub (the clearing goes back from ½ to 1 mile from the water).
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