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[Newspaper article undated]
Simpsonhafen as a Naval Base
While the growing naval power of Germany may rightly be regarded as a menace to the Empire, and may affect the whole political future of Australia, the Kaiser's Government have, so far as can be ascertained, made no attempt to increase their strength in the Pacific.
It was reported a few weeks ago that a strong naval base was being established at Simpsonhafen, and the statement was vigorously denied by the German Consul and others. In order that an independent report might be secured, the "Star" arranged with its representative at New Britain to make observations and inquiries on the spot. Our correspondent, who chartered a clipper and visited Simpsonhafen, writes as follows:-
Beyond all doubt Simpsonhafen is at the present moment unfortified. There is not a single piece of cannon in the place. Dr.
Hahl, Governor, states that never a thought has been given to fortifying this place, and before this could be done permission would have to be obtained from the German Reichstag (not an easy thing at the present moment, when the Government is an economic one).
Simpsonhafen is in its experimental stage. It would need a great amount of money to thoroughly fortify. As to it being a menace to Australia, should Germany declare war against England, the idea is absurd. Firstly, the difficulty of bringing coal, &c. is such that Simpsonhafen could never be dangerous: and, secondly, there is not enough food to last a large number of men for a lengthy sojourn there. The only force at present in Simpsonhafen is a native one, consisting of about (?) or 200 trained natives, commanded by one European, who is called "Poletzelmeister" or police master - generally a a man who has served his time either in the German army or marine. These soldiers are simply armed with carbines, &c.
There would be no chance of fortifying Simpsonhafen at the present time. There are no substantial buildings there: only wooden buildings, resting on cement posts. Simpsonhafen has at frequent intervals earthquakes of more or less severity: while moreover, it is within easy reach of the volcano at Matupi, which, if not active at the present moment, may at any time break into action.
The N.D.L. have during the last few years greatly improved the place, firstly, by building a wharf capable of berthing the large mail steamers: and, secondly, by having just added at their own expense a small slip. They would have built a very much larger one had they received some kind of subsidy from the German Government, but the fact that this was not forthcoming shows that the German Government at present have no intention of fortifying the place.
The only cannon in the Bismarck Archipelago consists of two guns at Herbertshohe. For these, I am informed, there is no ammunition, and they are of so old a pattern that it is doubtful if they would be in a condition for active service.