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HERBERTSHOHE still stands, as also some of the business houses. Communication between HERBERTSHOHE and RABAUL is easy by a road skirting the coast, as mentioned above.
WATER, in RABAUL, is principally conserved in tanks, a large number of them being in evidence at all the stores and houses, and particularly on the large wharf at which the steamers berth. Water is however fairly plentiful at HERBERTSHOHE from a small stream called MATANATUA at the Roman Catholic Mission Station. There are several streams of fresh water running into WEBERHAFEN on the N, coast.
FOOD SUPPLIES are usually abundant, several large stores being established, but it would appear from latest reports tinned meats were short, and the holding up of the "GERMANIA" in SYDNEY will not improve the situation.
HOUSE ACCOMMODATION at RABAUL for white population of about 400. Houses are large and commodious, with wide verandahs.
At HERBERTSHOHE there are some houses, say for 100 inhabitants.
LAUNCHES, say 12. Plantation Companies and Traders all keep launches and auxiliary schooners.
CARTS and HORSES. - Very few. Native porters and small tram tracks are used.
In December of last year there was one motor car at RABAUL. Plain wire fences are in general use as boundaries of the different plantations.
[Written in margin] German Govt sent out two (2) motor lorries this year (Mr Whittle)
NATIVE FOODS. Many yams and cocoa-nuts. Some CHINESE gardeners and laundries.
POLICE. There is no standing military force established, but a fairly strong native Constabulary (probably 100 strong) is kept to quell Native disturbances.
There is a Government patrol steamer manned by